Putzing about

Not a lot of piecing has gone on this past week, but on Memorial Day I did have a chance to sit at my machine and quilt a top I made long ago. I'm having a little fight with myself over whether to stick with the simple outline quilting I've already done or to add some free motion quilting. I'll share it when I've got it completed.

This weekend is Arts Fest in Iowa City. Sadly, we're in for rain today, but last night the weather held and we were treated to a concert featuring Sarah Jarosz and Darrell Scott. Sarah's a mere 19, but a terrific musician, singer, and songwriter—Darrell's guitar playing made people shake their heads in awe. He's also a powerful lyricist with a fabulous voice. The highlight was when they played together at the end of each of their sets.

Finally, I had to share a few photos of my garden. Yes, I really do live in a house with a picket fence (it's a bit of a fake, however...it just runs along the front, but then peters out on the sides and doesn't really enclose anything completely). My William Baffin rose and our peonies often bloom on Memorial Day weekend and it always makes me feel as though I live in some kind of fantasyland...the rose (depending on your definition) is totally out of control, or creates a charming bower that people walking by have the pleasure of passing beneath.