Feed Sacks for the Holidays LinzeeDecember 19, 2016UPPERCASE, blogs, books, fabric, feed sacks, vintage, writing
On the Horizon: A Feed Sack Book with UPPERCASE LinzeeOctober 12, 2016UPPERCASE, books, fabric, feed sacks, vintage
Art Quilts of the Midwest is Launched! LinzeeMarch 28, 2015Art Quilts of the Midwest, Home Ec Workshop, Iowa City, art quilts, artists, books
A workshop with Crazy Mom Quilts' Amanda Jean LinzeeOctober 15, 2013blogs, books, classes, color, designers, workshops
Two Fall Favorites: Quilt Shows and Leaf Peeping LinzeeSeptember 18, 2013books, friends, quilt shows, quilts, retreats, travel
Featherweight Follow-up LinzeeJanuary 10, 2013Etsy, Featherweight, blogs, books, sewing machines, travel, writing
Back to School: The Pleasures and Purposes of Taking Craft Classes LinzeeNovember 19, 2012Quilt Market, books, classes, embroidery, fabric, knitting, quilt shops, sewing, yarn
Art Quilts of the Midwest LinzeeSeptember 23, 2012Quilt, books, inspiration, photography, quilting, quilts, writing
In Praise of Iowa and Iowans, Old and New LinzeeSeptember 9, 2012blogs, books, friends, patterns, photography, quilt shops, quilting, quilts, sewing, writing
Quilt Market round-up LinzeeMay 23, 2012Quilt Market, Quilt, books, color, design, fabric, friends, inspiration, neighborhood, quilting, quilts, sewing, travel
Quilt Retreat Catch-up LinzeeJanuary 20, 2012Holidays, books, design, fabric, friends, patterns, quilting, quilts, retreats, sewing, travel
Quilt Market Update: Links, Photos, and a Bit of Commentary LinzeeNovember 6, 2011Quilt Market, Quilt, artists, books, color, design, fabric, fall, friends, inspiration, patterns, quilts, sewing, travel
Outfitting Babies for the Best Life Has to Offer: Reading and Eating LinzeeOctober 13, 2011books, color, fabric, friends, sewing
Share (Quilt Blocks) and Share Alike LinzeeSeptember 18, 2011books, color, design, fabric, fall, friends, patterns, quilting, retreats, travel